Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a notebook?
NP's objective is to enhance the learning process of our students and to add-value to their education. Specifically, the use of the Notebook for learning enables our students to become self-directed learners and IT savvy professionals.
These are important skills and traits for your continued success in increasingly mobile, connected, and IT-infused work and learning environments. Your Notebook experience will prepare you for this.
What can I use the notebook for?
Your notebook will enable you to engage in IT-enabled learning and digital learning environments, both in-class and outside of scheduled class times. This will give you the 'anytime, anywhere' flexibility to work on assignments, surf the internet for information, access module websites, participate in online discussion, communicate with your tutors, interact and collaborate with your classmates and project members, create digital content, and much more.
Where in campus can I use the Notebook?
With our wireless network, you can connect and can use your notebook anytime and anywhere in the campus. You can connect and use your notebooks in the classrooms, library, atrium, canteens and many other open study areas.
Will it be better for me to buy the Notebook from NP authorised suppliers?
If you are accepting financial assistance from NP, you are required to purchase your notebooks from NP's authorised suppliers.
All other students are also strongly encouraged to purchase your notebook computer from NP's authorised suppliers as you will enjoy 3 key advantages:
Collective Consumer Protection
Notebooks with 3-Year Warranty
Next Business Day Service
Is there any financial assistance to help me own a notebook?
Yes. Depending on your household income, you may be eligible for either:
(i) Interest-free Mobile Computing Loan of up to $2,000 for notebook computers
(ii) Opportunity Fund Subsidy for notebook
More information is available on the Financial Assistance page.
I already have a notebook. Do I need to purchase another one?
As long as your notebook complies with your course minimum specifications, you need not buy another one. To find out about the minimum specifications required for your notebook, click here.
I already have a personal desktop computer at home.
The Polytechnic's learning environment enables you to take advantage of the mobility notebooks provide. With a notebook, you can be learning anytime and from anywhere. You can be doing your assignment or accessing web-based lesson materials in classes, between classes, and after classes.
Am I entitled to use the software provided by Ngee Ann Polytechnic after I leave the Polytechnic?
No. All software provided by the Polytechnic must be uninstalled or removed from your notebook once you are no longer a student of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Can an Apple notebook be used for my course?
ONLY students enrolled in Film Sound & Video have to own an Apple notebook.
Apple's Mac OS is required for these courses due to:
The Apple notebook currently offers superior colour representation which is important in the design and development of creative/media products.
The creative media industry, for which these Diplomas prepare their graduates, is currently, predominantly a Mac OS environment.
Students enrolled in:
Chinese Media & Communication, Mass Communication, Media Post-Production, Nursing and Optometry can own either an Apple or Windows notebook.
Students enrolled in ALL other courses should NOT purchase Apple notebook computers, as you may be using Windows-based software that is not compatible with the Apple Mac Operating System platform.