Professional Expertise:
UV disinfection, water treatment/ disinfection technology, stormwater
management, bioretention systems, biofilms
Publications, Patents, Projects, Consultancy:
Q. Li, H. Jia, H. Guo, Y. Zhao, G. Zhou., Lim F. Y., Guo H. L., T. H.
Neo., S. L. Ong, and J. Y. Hu (2022). Field Study of the Road Stormwater
Runoff Bioretention System with Combined Soil Filter Media and Soil Moisture
Conservation Ropes in North China, Water, 14, 415, doi:10.3390/w14030415
Lim F. Y., T. H. Neo., Guo H. L., S. Z. Goh, S. L. Ong, J. Y. Hu,
B. C. Y. Lee, G. S. Ong, and C. X. Liou (2021). Pilot and Field Studies
of Modular Bioretention Tree System with Talipariti tiliaceum and Engineered
Soil Filter Media in the Tropics. Water, 13, 1817, doi:10.3390/w13131817
An engineered soil composition and a method of preparing the same. (Singapore
Patent Application No. 201308272-2)
Guo H. L., F. Y. Lim, Y. Zhang, L. Y. Lee, J. Y. Hu, S. L. Ong, W. K.
Yau, and G. S. Ong (2014). Soil column studies on the performance evaluation
of engineered soil mixes for bioretention systems. Accepted by Desalination
and Water Treatment. Published online: 23 May 2014.
Guo H. L. and J. Y. Hu (2011). Effect of coagulation-membrane filtration
on downstream UV disinfection. Desalination, 290, p. 115-124.
Liu W. –T., H. L. Guo, and J. –H. Wu (2007). Effects of target length
on the hybridization efficiency and specificity of rRNA-Based oligonucleotide
microarrays. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(1), p. 73-82.
Guo H. L., X. N. Chu and J. Y. Hu (2010). Low and medium pressure UV inactivation
of Adenoviruses: The effect of host cells. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
76(21), p. 7068-7075.